The 10-Step-Series
The 10-step-series is designed to completely realign your posture and leave your structure at a balanced place. It is one giant session broken down into ten smaller individual sessions that contain specific steps and goals. Every session contains neck and back work as part of the integration. In my practice, most people mix in movement integration sessions and participate in re-patterning lessons to uplevel their understanding of the changes and integrate the new alignment we find in a structural session of the 10-series.
Sessions 1, 2, and 3 focus on the opening of the outer layers:
Session 1 focuses on the three-dimensional expansion of the relationship between the ribs and shoulders, pelvis, spine, and head to loosen the "too tight of a wetsuit" that restricts breathing and holds the pelvis fixed in an orientation that is too close to the ribs. Clients will get a good sense of the touch, what length and space in the fascia feel like, how long it lasts, and what it's like working together and having improved breath.
Session 2 focuses on opening up the feet to the ground. We address the compartments of the lower leg to allow all three arches of each foot to spring down and back up with each step, investigate natural walking, sit to stand and elements of footwear for our bodies.
Session 3 focuses on the rest of the superficial layer - the ear to the ankle - a huge territory.
Sessions 4, 5, 6, and 7 are focused on the deeper core:
Session 4 focuses on bringing the connection to ground up the midline of the legs in the deep connections all the way to the sit bone and pelvic floor. It is possible that the legs may be pulling down on the pelvic floor or sucked up into it; with this session, we are able to rearrange so that the pelvis can begin to level out horizontally and with this, sitting is often relearned.
Session 5 focuses on the front of the back, the visceral space of the abdomen related to the deep front line, and how our legs really are.
Session 6 focuses on the back of the front and back of the head through the sacrum. This session is where we begin to get more specific about smaller segments of the spine as they become available at these deeper layers and the relationship of the pelvis to the deep back lines of the legs for our horizontalization goals.
Session 7 focuses on the head on top of all of the work that has previously been achieved, as well as the visceral neuro-cranium related to the anterior spine, shoulder girdle, and upper ribs.
Sessions 8, 9, and 10 are free-for-alls where we will fine-tune the body:
Sessions 8 and 9 focus on addressing the more primary patterns after freeing up the more secondary overlays in the earlier sessions - these sessions are where we will get the most for our entire bodies.
Session 10 is the final session in the series that connects all of the sessions together. By the end of this session, your body should feel more balanced, aligned, and structured.
After the 10-series, many clients:
get good results and don't feel the need for another session, however, some may return years later for another 10-series due to benefits
view rolfing as an important way of maintaining their bodies and come in for regular "tune-ups"; this is especially common among athletes, heavy computer users, and adults with scoliosis
find so much more ease and relaxation in their bodies after their session, that they choose to use Rolfing as their regular self-care and/or use it instead of massage
take a break for several months after the 10-series and then request a post-10-series, generally 5 sessions in length, which may focus on the client's specific goals
only call when they get injured or something feels out of alignment